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Meet our Teacher Librarian!

We believe that...

  • independent, life-long learning is the ultimate goal of schools in our society and that the library program is vital to creating independent learners.
  • promoting reading for enjoyment and information is a key element of the library media program.
  • all children have the right to equal access to literature, information, and information technologies.
  • educational goals are best achieved through the collaboration of an instructional team that includes a teacher librarian.
  • the teacher librarian is an instructional leader in the building with expertise in literature, resources, and technology.
  • the Information Literacy Curriculum must be integrated with other curricular areas.
  • the diverse needs of students demand that learning resources in many formats are available.
  • a well-organized, centralized collection of materials in many formats is essential to resource-based instruction.
  • libraries are essential to the functioning of a democratic society.

The purpose of the Iowa City Community School District library program is to enable all students to be effective users of information and to appreciate and enjoy literature and other creative expressions of information.